Wednesday 18 January 2017

reflective post

we have used multiple shots we have mainly used medium shots. However, have also used long shots and close ups. In the cove clinic take over day video we had a dolly shot which was following the children around along the sea creatures. In the ward 10 video, we also had a dolly shot which was the camera on the end of the bed filming from the child's angle whilst travelling through the hospital. 

we have used a couple of different transitions. We have used the dissolve effect and some cut aways, which we have used on both videos. We have sued some titles for peoples names. We used blue background for them because the videos are based in a hospital which blue is a regular regular colour as it is the colour of their uniform. 

The sound is in some parts is really good but when we filmed the interviews the sound could have been slightly more clearer because we had some troubles with the recording of the sound. We have used soem music in the background. The music we have used is catchy. I personally, didn't mind the music however because i have no heard it so many times it is become irritating. 

We used quite a few props. The props we used ones which would and are used day to day. Therefore are realistic. We used props such as beds, plasters, cream, shoes and general equipment used in a hospital. We used both natural and unnatural lighting. However, we did not take any extra lighting.  I don't feel as though we need any. 

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