Friday 6 January 2017

Current practices

Current Practises in Corporate Video Productions Introduction In this assignment I am going to be researching different features in corporate videos such as copyright, privacy, def
amation, ethical, technologies and releases. Copyright When making a video you have to be aware of copyright for music. If you want to use music, then you have to be able to get artists permission or use copyright free music. You can’t have other companies, logos or names in the video due to the law of copyright. This is an example of how they used copyright free music. You can tell this by how basic and repetitive it is. In the description of the video it says “Copyright by results advertising”. Privacy You have to protect others privacy. You cannot put personal details of others on the video. This video is an example of privacy because when interviewing people who already work for Apple they displayed their name on the screen however only shown their first name to protect them giving away private information. Defamation Defamation means that a person, company or pr
oduct is criticizing another company for example if they affected their business. This advert is for Surface Pro. They compare it to an Apple mac. They criticize Apple by saying that their product is better and use these quotes to compare them together. “This mac doesn’t quite compare. It’s slower, heavy and a bit square” “it’s lighter than air”. Fair use Using it correctly so that it doesn’t go against copy right laws. It allows you to use it in certain situations for example teaching by showing a video in a lesson or copying a couple of paragraphs from an article. Another time fair use applies is when quoting song lyrics or reviewing and/or commenting on a product for example a book or film. It also allows you to make a parody meaning for example a song parody you can use the music as long as you change the words and make sure the words don’t offend or criticise. s Ethical There are three different types of ethical issues, race, gender and religion. Race is based on where you come from and ethnic group which you fall under. In a corporate video you have to make sure to make it clear that all ethnical groups can participate in whatever you are advertising. You have to be able to do this without directly saying this. One way in which you can do this is by showing different people from different cultures using this product/working for the company that you are advertising. Secondly, don’t make it gender specific this also includes not singling out gay people. You could do this by showing neutral colours such as red or cream in video. Releases / materials (talent + location) To film a corporate video, I will legally need the following documentations. Firstly, I will need a release form. When I film all the people starring in the video I would have to give them this form to prove that I have permission to film them. Secondly, if I am filming with any specific prop which could be seen as dangerous I will need to inform the police and get their permission to be able to film this. An example is if I wanted to film someone shooting someone I would have to inform the police that I would be using it so that if anyone reports me they know why. Another type of release form in which I will need is the location one. This is to prove I have permission to film on the location in which I need. I would need the sight manager to do so. Technologies To create a corporate video, you need different types of equipment and technology for example you need camera to be able to film. There are many different types of camera in which you can use. An example is a Nikon D3200. This is a DSLR camera. This coast around about £350. Another example is a Canon 750D. These cost around about £500. Lastly if you are wanting to film more sporty or water based videos then you will need a camera like the GoPro. Which is about £50. Then you need a computer with an editing software on for example premier pro. You will also need a tripod to hold the camera when filming, light source for example a soft box or a ring light to get good lighting. You can also have a shotgun microphone to gather better sound and you can have this on a boom pole. You may also need a green screen.

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