Friday 29 June 2018

Job Roles

Job Advert Response

To whom is may concern,
I am writing to you because the job role description that you have put on line is absolutely riddled with problems. One of the problems is that the contracted hours is 10 to 45 hours. This is too much of a range of hours as it does not describe what type of job it is in particular if it is part time or full time job. this goes against the contract laws which state that the employee needs to be aware of what and when they are required to work.
the equality act is a legislation that says that you cant discriminate against anyone no matter there age, gender, disability, sexuality, religion or ethnicity.  YOU are discriminating against non Christians and over 30s. In your advert you haven't mentioned any insurance which I will gain from becoming an employee it think this is important to add to the advert as I need to know that I am protected under the employers liability (compulsory insurance) Act 1969. Trade unions protect employees with employee issues If I didn't have the insurance I would involve my trade union to help me.
These are ethical issues in this advertisement. The issue ts that you have stereotyped and assumed that all offenders are male and all victims are female, however this is not the case. As we know from the recent Metoo campaign many male victims are now stepping forward. 

If you were to use high school children for the date rape documentary you would be breaking the law since they are under age for this content. In the OFCOM broadcasting code it quotes "as restrictions on programmes broadcast before the watershed that include offensive language, violence, sexual material, and dangerous or harmful behaviour that children might try to copy. this also links to the obscene publications act of 1959. The film would likely to be given the certificate of an 18 because of its content.  In your advert you have advertised that the employee would gain £20 of the profit from the film however, you need to also give them some of the copy right earnings. 

Yours sincerely, Abbie-Rose Reddington

Wednesday 20 June 2018


consumer products
The price of media technology has decreased and become more affordable for example, the laptop that I'm typing on has editing software on.

Satellite and cable
Television used to only broadcast using transmitters on the ground. Now moving images can accessed in different ways from our house.

Analogue and digital
In the past TV was shown through analogue via the transmitters but now it all digital.

Internet and Interactive
In the past Internet didn't exist but now we can use the Internet to watch film and TV content, legally and illegally. Interactive is through the red button which is linked to the show we are watching.

high definition and 3D
Through the last 10 years the definition and quality of the picture has improved and become high definition as well as 3D being introduced which makes views believe that they are there and brings them in to the action.

pay per view, on demand view, streaming content and digital recorders
People used to sit round the same TV as a family. Now people stream watching on their phones and separate from everyone else.

ownership and funding

Public service broadcasting
This is broadcasting not funded through advertising. When the BBC were set up the government looked at American broadcasting which was funded by advertising and called it public exploitation rather than public service. They decided to set up the licence fee system so that the BBC did not have to sell its audience to advertisers by creating populist entertainment rather than educational programming.

Commercial  broadcasting
This is funded by advertising. An example is ITV.

corporate and private ownership
A corporation is a limited company where the directors not liable for losses. The BBC is an example of this. Private ownership is where a company exists for the profit of its share holders. An example is Sony.

global companies
Increasingly media companies operate across the globe in many different counties to maximise their profits. A media conglomerate will be a whole lot of different companies under common ownership. For example, News corporation is a global company that owns 20th century fox, Sky TV Collins publishes the times the sun star Tv in Asia thee fox network in the US - the list is virtually endless. The world of the media is dominated by very few companies such news corporation and Sony.

vertical Integration
This is owning companies in all the different sectors of an industry for example in the film industry money is made by the film producers, the film distributors, and the exhibitors (cinemas) therefore it makes sense for a conglomerate to own companies in each sector. For example, Warner studios also owned Warner cinemas

horizontal integration
This is where a company try to gain control of a sector. For example, a newspaper own tries to buy a rival newspaper.

funding types
License fee
This is a middle ground between commercial funding and government propaganda accusations.

An example of this is Sky which gets us to pay a regular payment even though they are selling us to advertisers.

one off payments
An example of this would be a physical DVD or a film on itunes.

pay per view
Sky offer special sporting events in which you pay to watch once.

a brand which sponsors a particular TV show. For example, Maoam sponsors The Big Bang Theory.

When a channel relies on adverts. An example of this is the channel Really they use adverts such as pregnancy tests, food, car and their TV show adverts.

product placement
on a film you may see a product with a label on it, the company are advertising that product in their film linking it to their target audience. For example, James Bond use a lot of product placement. For example, Heinekin and Aston Martin.

Private Capital
This is when a producer for a film funds themselves through friends and family. An example, of this is Megan Ellison who funded her own film.

Crowd Funding
An example for this is Josh Trett who used crowd funding to fund The black Shuck.

Develop funds
BFI funds producers in creating a film through the lottery.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Research Dossier

Research Dossier

I chose the blue cat short screenplay competition. The rules for this completion are:
·                 All submissions must be original, and the sole property of the applicant(s).

·                 All ages are eligible.

·                 All entries must be in English (or subtitled in English for film submissions.)

·                 Short screenplays must be between 1-49 pages in length.
There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit.

·                 You may submit a script or film once. You may not submit the same script or film more than once.

·                 All script entries must be uploaded in PDF format.

·                 Under absolutely no circumstances will substitutions of either corrected pages or new drafts of the entry script(s) be made. Scripts will not be returned.

·                 If a submitted script becomes optioned, produced or purchased between the time of submission and the end of the judging period, that script will no longer be eligible.

·                 Competition judges, readers and employees of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition, past and present, and their immediate friends and families are not eligible to enter.

·                 Previous winners of the BlueCat Screenplay Competition are not eligible.

·                 Scripts, including outlines, treatments, pitches, log lines or any developmental material related to the script, that has previously won any contest, competition, grant, lab, fellowship, mentorship, reading or award of any kind, are not eligible.

·                 Screenplays that have been submitted to any competition or contest prior to February 1st, 2015 are not eligible.
·                 Films must be produced after January 1st, 2016.

·                 Scripts or films submitted under a pen name will be immediately disqualified.

·                 Script or film titles cannot be changed after submission under any circumstances.

·                 Past and present scripts and films consulted on through Gordy Hoffman’s screenplay consultation service or the BlueCat workshops are not eligible. Past and present USC and UCLA students of Gordy Hoff (3)

Annotated script from Casualty

Pretty Little Liars series 2 episode 1:
I think this is a well written script because there is inner presence, outer presence and context.
There is inner presence, an example of this is Spencer having 3 sugars in her tea, she has these because she doesn’t like coffee she just likes the effect. This shows that she is a tired person. Emily also shows some inner presence as she is still wearing a bracelet from Ali even though she is dead. This shows that Emily still feels as though she has a connection with Ali.
An example of outer presence is that they are all wearing black funeral dresses. This shows that they have just been to a funeral. Jenna is showing outer presence because she has dark sunglasses on and a cane, this clearly shows she is blind, however this also gives a misconception to British viewers as she has a red tip to the cane. In Britain this shows that she is also deaf as well as blind however, in America which this is based it only shows that she’s blind.

There is also context because the girls are talking at the beginning about ‘the Jenna thing’ which meant Jenna went from being the pretty popular girl to the blind girl because of this incident that happened. 

Screenplay examples:
I like this because it has limited speaking in it, however, they portray the story well. Which is about a pen which he borrowed in an exam because he pen ran out. He draws with the pen whatever he does with the drawing happens to that object in real life. For example, he drew a picture of his cat drinking milk. He left the drawing on the table and went to bed. In the morning the cat was still drinking and was not moving at all, he then got angry because he didn’t really understand what was happening. He drew a can of drink next to him and scrunched it up, as he scrunched it up the can also did. I also like the music which they used because it is soft dreamlike which is used for effect and also leads to suspense. I also really like how they have done the credits at the start of the film because they had placed them on objects in the room, of books and object on the desk. I think this could have been better if they show what he was drawing in some of the film.

The Applicant
Like Penned I like the credits at the start of the film how they have put it on the question paper which appears later in the fill. The film is about some people applying for a job and they have to do an exam paper however, one persons’ pen ran out and he decided to write the rest of the exam in his own blood.  

My target audience is teenagers and young adults. This is because there is violence in it.

What pulls you into a film straight away?

Do you watch drama?

What top 3 things do you expect in a drama?

What sort of film do you watch most?
What sort of ending do you like?

What do you think of my ending?

Locations I need:
House: someone’s house

White room: the studio

Police interview: an office

Living room for news report; same room as the start

Characters I need:
The colleague
Police Officer
News reporter

The Source code is similar to my script as it has a similar story line to mine. They are also both about codes. (1)

My screenplay is a modern version of the classic 'heist' double cross story.  It uses contemporary ideas like the internet and new technology, and also uses the modern idea that governments have lots of secrets and surveillance and spying techniques which use new technology.  It is topical because these issues are present in modern day life. There are many stories in the news about misuse of data for example the GDPR issue and the ways in which Russians might have used Facebook data to influence the US election and the Brexit vote. Facebook uses your data to target advertising to you.  In this world I thought a story about how someone who pretends to be someone else and gets an expert to give them data was a topical one. 

Real Media Text Influences:
I started off my story after watching a Youtube video about someone pressing a red button

I enjoyed this video because it explore the unexpected consequences of an action and it was told with humour.  This is where I got the idea of pressing the button on the computer from, but as my story developed it moved away from comedy into a much more serious film about a double cross crime.

1.       Jones, D., Ripley, B., Gyllenhaal, J., Monaghan, M. and Farmiga, V. (2018). Source Code (2011). [online] IMDb. Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2018].
2. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2018].
3.       BlueCat Screenplay Competition. (2018). 2018 BlueCat Screenplay Competition Rules & Guidelines. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2018].

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Single Camera Production Diary

20th February Read through of script. Decision on who was taking charge of each section of the script 21st February We read through the script as a group to agree on how we are going to film particular shots. for example the hospital scene. We started the shot list. 23rd Completed shotlist! 27th discussed shotlist between us and the new ending and started my storybored. 6th March 2018 continued with storyboard. 7th march continued with my storyboard and discussed travel for filming. 13th march finished storybored 14th March Camera setting recap and risk assessment
27th April filmed some more and edited some more so far things are going alright.  worried about filming enough and in a way i hope will work.
1st May I chronologically ordered my shots but there is still some gaps.

Camera Techniques