Wednesday 25 May 2016

TV Adverts - final feedback

some good work produced here and within your group, you have created an effective re-branding adverting concept and a well-produced TV advert.

 In regards to unit 2: Communication Skills for Creative Media Production (pitch and presentation): You were able to use appropriate techniques to extract information from written sources with some precision and presented a structured and detailed media production report which conveys information and explains conclusions with clarity.
Your pitch was interesting and I thought that you conveyed the information about your re-branding idea and employed forms of address in your pitch to communicate ideas effectively. The pitch was visually good and you deployed and managed technology to pitch a media production proposal effectively and with some imagination. Given how nervous you felt, I think that you did very well with this task.
You made effective changes to your work with frequent beneficial effects.

In regards to unit 30: Advertisement Production for Television:
Within your TV advert analysis, you were able to explain structures and techniques of TV advertisements with reference to detailed examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology.
Working within your group, you were able originate and develop an idea for a TV advertisement showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance. The advert demonstrated a good understanding of conventions in TV adverts and it was clear that you were able to produce a TV advertisement to a good standard showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance.
Your evaluation was also detailed and you explained your own TV advertisement production work with reference to detailed illustrative examples and generally correct use of subject terminology.

Monday 23 May 2016

Email sent to dogs trust

Email sent to dog’s trust:


I was just wondering if it was possible if we were able to ask you a few questions about The Dogs at your sanctuary and the work done as well as numbers of animals, so we can include these in a short documentary we are doing at college about the re-homing of dog?
If you could reply to these questions that would be great thanks;
How many dogs on average per year does dog's Trust have to look after?
How many of these dogs get re homed?
How long is a dogs stay?
What are the reasons a dog will be given away or found?
How are some dogs found?
What’s the worst case a dog has been found in?
How old on average are the dogs that you have

Thank you for your time,
Abbie-Rose and Jessica

Email back from Dog’s trust
Dear Abbie-Rose and Jessica,

Thank you for contacting Dogs Trust with your query. I have tried to answer your questions as best I can as follows:

- Dogs Trust cares for 17 000 dogs a year across our 20 rehoming centres in the UK.
- In 2015 the number of dogs successfully rehomed (and not returned to us) was 12 328.
- A dog's average stay at our centres is currently 42 days. Most of our dogs come in and out in a matter of weeks, but this number is greatly affected the number of long term dogs in our care (who have been with us for more than six months) of which there are not many.
- I am unable to provide more specific information on the reasons that individual’s handover their dogs to us, but the most common is that due to some change in the owners' life, they are no longer able to provide the care and home that the dog needs. More information on this can be found on our website here:
- Where dogs have come to us in a less than ideal state, Dogs Trust focuses on the transformation of these dogs as they look to a better life. One such example this year was April who was found with extremely matted hair. More on this can be found here:
- Unfortunately I do not have information regarding our dogs' average age easily accessible so am unable to answer this question.

I hope this information has been helpful. More information like this can be found in our annual review

Kind regards,

Lucy Jeczalik
Operations Administrator

Dogs Trust - A Dog Is For Life Not Just For Christmas ®

Visit our website at 

documentary ideas

Our main idea was to take a group of people to animal shelters and film them socializing with the dogs, have them talking about how they feel about dogs and cats and how they feel about dogs and cats waiting to be adopted.Also talk to some people who work there and ask them what its like to work closely with animals, as well as making people aware of how many animals have to be re-homed.
 Email sent to sanctuary’s 


We are making a short documentary for a project at college about dogs and cats and the re-homing of them to raise awareness of this issue, we would love to feature this sanctuary, as well as some members of staff and the animals. The idea would be to bring a small group (between 3-5) and see how they get along with the dogs and cats at the sanctuary and how they feel after they have meet some of the animals as well as asking the staff some questions. The time was have to do this is from the 23rd May to the 31st May so if it would be possible to spend a few hours between these dates at the sanctuary that would be great.

 Thank you for your time and consideration
 Abbie-Rose and Jessica 

 Sanctuary’s sent to
 • Dogs and cats rescue Norfolk and Suffolk 
• Hillside
• F.a.i.t.h 
• PACT animal sanctuary
• Wet nose animal aid  

Wednesday 11 May 2016

3 minute wonder - Holiday video

3 minute wonder carrot crew response

Carrot Crew

The intro for this video is too long and doesn’t attract the viewer. I understand that they need to have the information however they have left too long for the reader to read it they could have also put some sound track to it. The text they have at the beginning I feel that they should have a voice over reading it. I think this voice over should be a dramatic voice this attracts the viewers and help them engage. They make it so that it not very believable, I don’t feel as though the children are being serious enough which makes this more of a comedy. However, I feel as though it not quite serious but not quite humorous therefore I feel as though they should make it more clear on which they want it to be.  

Monday 9 May 2016

3 minute wonder carrot crew video

Hannah Wakefield 3 minute wonder response

Hannah Wakefield 3-minute wonder
I believe that this could have been presented in a more creative way. That fact that it was literally just someone filming a person presenting a talk with the occasional different view. The content of what she was saying was interesting and she used interacting techniques to keep the audience focused. However, seeing that it was someone standing in front of an audience put me off the thought of watching it. To improve this, they should put the same information however with cartoon examples and not just the person talking.

Hannah Wakefield 3 minute wonder video