Wednesday 6 January 2016

Initial ideas

Idea Proposals • Love story – a man and a women start in two different locations and they have to find each other again. They are at the same places at different times creating the comedy aspect of love as well as making it all the better when they do find each other. • Horror- a clip of some survivors running away from zombies when one gets bit and tells no one, towards the end one of them find out and end with a gunshot. This is scary making the spectator worry for the characters as well as leaving the suspense about the character who got bit dying. • Comedy – characters from a game become real, these friends become the characters from some popular video games and act like their character as they look around to find a boss to face. • Sad story – mainly focused on a girl that is depressed showing the effects of what depression does to someone. Inspirations for all these came from the official depict! Site as we watched a few of the winning ones and thought how can we use what’s already been done and make it our own. We also watch a lot of short films on YouTube, however these weren’t as short as ours had to be. One that really stood out was brining video games to life. Other things that inspired our ideas were our own interests for example liking comedy and horror movies.

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